If you’re considering applying for a job at Amazon, you’re not alone. The company has been steadily growing in recent years and currently employs more than 180,000 people across the globe, with 50,000 of those employees working at the corporate headquarters in Seattle, Washington.
In fact, the company has been hiring so many new employees that they are now competing with Google and Apple to be one of the largest employers in North America! If you’ve ever wanted to work at Amazon, read on to learn how you can find jobs at Amazon in Canada and start your career there today!
How Much Do Amazon Employees Make?
Salaries for jobs at Amazon can vary based on role, but entry-level employees—those with less than a year or so of experience—make roughly $50,000 per year.
According to Glassdoor, which collects anonymous salary data from thousands of companies and individual employees, software engineers earn between $60,000 and $110,000 per year while software development engineers make between $75,000 and $120,000 annually.
However you slice it though (pun very much intended), you’re going to want to take a look at our guide to landing a job at Amazon.
We’ve got everything you need right here! And if you’re just looking for Amazon jobs Canada, we’ve got those too. It’s a great time to be an Amazon employee, after all.
The company is adding hundreds of new roles every month and has more than 500 locations across North America alone. In fact, as of May 2018 there were more than 45,000 open positions available!
Different Ways to Work for Amazon
There are a few different ways to work for Amazon. The first way is as an employee. There are currently more than 150,000 employees globally and that number is growing all of the time.
If you choose to go down that route, it’s worth checking out their Benefits and Career Opportunities pages to get an idea of what working there might entail.
The second way is as a vendor or affiliate – what they refer to as a third-party seller on their site (in other words, someone who sells their products using your account).
Finally, you can also become one of their contractors or freelancers if you want to be self-employed but also work with them.
Best Cities for Working at Amazon
Amazon is one of many companies that has its headquarters in Seattle, Wash. Seattle is home to a booming startup scene and a large number of tech jobs overall.
To give you an idea of just how many tech jobs there are, according to statistics from Angel List, there are more than 27,000 software engineers living and working in Washington State as of 2017.
If you’re interested in joining them or find amazon jobs canada, look no further than Seattle. A good job market isn’t limited to just Amazon—companies like Starbucks and Microsoft call Seattle home too.
This gives residents access to multiple job options across various fields—and all within walking distance!
Best Canadian Universities for Working at Amazon
So, you’re serious about finding an Amazon job in Canada—good! Now that you’ve committed to finding a job as a warehouse employee or picking products for shipping, let’s talk about your education options.
While there are no universities dedicated to training workers specifically for jobs at Amazon warehouses, online job listings show that employers regularly seek out individuals with degrees and experience in business and computer science.
This is because workers need specific technical skills to perform their jobs—namely warehouse management software such as SAP and Microsoft applications like Excel.
If you don’t have any formal business training, consider enrolling in a certificate program through eddy or Coursera where you can gain technical skills like programming along with valuable workplace experience through mock internships.
The Pros and Cons of Working for Amazon
It’s no secret that working for one of history’s most successful companies has its perks. Because Amazon is both a marketplace and an e-commerce company, you can potentially get your hands on a variety of different jobs that each come with their own set of benefits.
If you can establish yourself as a solid worker, it will be even easier to land opportunities with other established brands and online marketplaces that have started doing business directly with smaller suppliers.
While finding a job is just one part of what makes Amazon so great, many consider it to be one of their biggest perks. To learn more about why people love working for Amazon so much or what it’s like to work for them, check out Glassdoor for lots of valuable insights from employees and former employees alike!
Does Amazon hire Canada?
In a nutshell, yes. And that’s why we’re going to focus on them here. For those of you who have never heard of Amazon, it’s an online e-commerce retailer founded by Jeff Bezos (not Jeff Probst from Survivor).
It was one of those companies started from a garage by a small group of individuals who didn’t look like they were ever going to get anywhere with their idea.
Yet here we are today and Amazon has become one of the biggest names in tech and retail—selling everything from books to groceries to electronics and so much more! Okay, okay… so what does all that mean?
What does Amazon pay in Canada?
Don’t expect to make bank just because you scored a job with Amazon. The company isn’t as big as it is in America and it certainly doesn’t have bottomless funds for salaries.
In fact, according to data from Payscale, most new employees start between $10 and $14 an hour (or roughly between $21,600 and $29,000 per year) when working for Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA).
However, once you get that sweet gig in customer service or technical support – two areas where they seem to be hiring like crazy – your salary can jump up considerably.
How can I get a job at Amazon?
If you’re looking for an answer to that question, look no further. This post will serve as a comprehensive guide to getting a job at Amazon.
But don’t think of it as reading through a list of bullet points—this is meant to be a resource that you reference over and over again until you land your dream job.
Just keep coming back here and follow each step we outline below; you won’t have any problem getting a job once you’re done! Let’s get started…
Is it hard to get Amazon job?
It’s no secret that working for an innovative, fast-growing company like Amazon has its benefits. Yet it’s not easy to get a job with them.
The Seattle-based company hires tens of thousands of workers every year and offers perks like competitive salaries, bonuses, and stock options.
But how do you even begin to get a job with such a reputable company when there are so many other applicants vying for that position? Because hundreds (or even thousands) of applicants may apply for a single position,
it’s not uncommon for hiring managers to spend several hours or even days sifting through applications and resume cover letters. Their time is valuable, and they won’t want to spend it looking through unnecessary applications.
How much does Amazon pay you to work from home?
If you’re looking for a remote work job, then chances are you’ve considered applying to an e-commerce company like Amazon.
While working from home can sound appealing, there are plenty of pros and cons to consider. To help you decide if an e-commerce job is right for you, we took a look at what it takes to land a position with one of these companies. Here’s what we learned. Read on! Read on!