The United Kingdom’s agriculture industry stands as one of the largest in the world, with an annual revenue of $200 billion USD and over 712,000 jobs in 2016 alone. That’s why it’s no surprise that you’re probably interested in working in this sector.
But where do you start? This guide will help you learn about the different types of agriculture jobs available and how to go about finding them to ultimately land your dream position! First, let’s take a look at some of the most common jobs!
If you’re interested in pursuing an agriculture job in the United Kingdom, or anywhere else around the world, it can be difficult to find exactly what you’re looking for.
There are so many positions out there that all require very specific skills and training, and finding them can take up a lot of time, energy, and effort if you don’t know where to look.
This guide will help you understand how to find agriculture jobs in the United Kingdom, as well as some tips on how to make your search easier and more efficient.
What are agriculture jobs?
Agriculture jobs are some of the highest paying jobs available in the United Kingdom today.
Most people view farming as hard work that results in tough, back-breaking labor and long hours; however, if you’re a candidate who is highly disciplined, meticulous and willing to sacrifice a few comforts, you could be on your way to a very rewarding career.
UK agriculture firms offer competitive wages and benefits packages that keep workers happy but still manage to stay competitive with other businesses.
UK agriculture firms often hire foreign nationals because they can fill positions that domestic candidates may have no interest or experience working in.
We’ll take a look at both ways you can find employment working on an agriculture farm or business here in Britain.
How do I find agriculture jobs?
To find agriculture jobs, you can conduct a job search through Job Centre Plus or contact local employment agencies. If you want to try something different and use an online medium, there are several sites that specialize in jobs for agricultural workers.
Make sure to check out these articles from Agricultural Employment Sites UK Agriculture Jobs and New World Careers for more information on how you can find agriculture jobs in the United Kingdom! Good luck!
What skills do I need?
If you are looking for agriculture jobs in the UK, there are a few skills that you need. You must have knowledge of different types of animals.
It would also be a good idea to have knowledge about farming practices. You need to be able to speak and write with proper grammar, as well as being able to read and speak English clearly.
Any other languages you can speak or write could give you an advantage when it comes time for interviews for positions within agriculture jobs in England.
You will also need to be physically fit because most positions require physical labor at some point. If any of these things don’t sound like they interest you, then it might not be wise of you pursue a career in agricultural jobs within England…even though they do pay really well!
What should I expect from an agriculture job?
Agriculture jobs are very different from most other jobs. The tasks and duties will be new and sometimes challenging, but you can rest assured that it’s all in a day’s work on an agriculture job.
Agriculture is certainly not a job for everyone, but it’s one of those things that if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life.
So many workers are employed by agriculture companies throughout the UK and there are so many more out there looking for opportunities as well.
If you enjoy hard work, living outside, being independent and having plenty of variety each day then look no further than finding an agriculture job.
How should I prepare for an agriculture job?
Preparing for an agriculture job can be a little tricky, especially when you’re not sure where you want to work. Luckily, there are a few steps you can take that will put yourself in good standing.
First of all, before looking for any kind of job with agriculture and food systems (including farming jobs), it’s a good idea to have some experience on your resume under your belt.
Whether you decide to take some classes at your local community college or internship at a farm through your school’s cooperative education program, having experience with agricultural and food systems is beneficial for getting hired.
Also make sure you check out our great suggestions on how to find jobs! You never know what connections might lead somewhere great!
What benefits can I get from a career in agriculture?
Employment growth for agriculture and natural resources jobs is projected to be slower than average, and job openings due to growth will likely only partially offset replacement needs.
Most openings due to growth will result from expanding demand for food, feed, and fiber products as population increases.
Job opportunities also may arise from new technology designed to make production processes more efficient or environmentally friendly, or from research aimed at increasing crop yields or livestock productivity.
However, many workers are expected to retire over the 2014–24 decade. Expanding markets for biofuels and biomass energy should provide some long-term opportunities in sectors such as utilities generation.
These industries are expected to add about 3 percent a year to their employment rolls through 2024. But with less labor-intensive technologies used in these industries, overall employment gains will be limited.
Over the next decade, competition for agricultural jobs could intensify as nonfarm employment growth outpaces that of agriculture and related industries (see chart below).
This competition could affect farm operators, who often must hire additional family members or contract with independent operators to meet increased production demands.
Working on this farm means I’ll be living where exactly?
If you’re planning on doing any kind of farming, make sure you do some research into where that type of farming is most prevalent. In England, for example, arable (farming land) is rarer than pastoral (grasslands) and horticultural (gardens).
If one type of work appeals to you more than another, it might be worth considering your job prospects based on where you plan on living.
Even if there aren’t any farms near where you live now, don’t rule out relocating later down the line; you never know what might crop up. You can always stay with family or friends until you find a place to rent or buy.
When I get a job on a farm, how much money will I earn?: It depends entirely on what sort of farm you end up working at and how much experience you have.
Most agricultural jobs are seasonal—the best time to look for them is from May through September—and are often paid by an hourly rate rather than an annual salary.
Some companies offer bonuses or incentives depending on performance, but it’s not common practice in agriculture jobs as a whole.
What is accommodation like on an agricultural job?
If you are looking for accommodation when working on an agricultural job, you will find that there are many different options available.
Accommodation is provided by some farms while others do not provide any, which is why most people choose to stay in self-catering holiday cottages.
Many of these cottages also provide bed and breakfast as well as other facilities such as swimming pools or entertainment centers.
It can be difficult finding accommodation during harvest periods due to high demand and popularity of these jobs among younger people.
In most cases, farmers will advertise when they are seeking employees for harvest roles rather than for long-term jobs.
You should always inquire about which accommodation is provided with a particular role if you need somewhere to stay during your employment period. Farmers are more likely to hire someone who has their own accommodation.
There are many different types of agriculture jobs available including those for growing crops, fruit picking, harvesting fruits and vegetables, tending livestock and caring for animals.
These positions tend to be temporary but pay quite well because employers know that there is always a high demand for farm workers at certain times of year depending on what kind of work needs doing.
Some examples include apple picking jobs (which generally occur from September through November), cherry picking jobs (April through June) and grape picking jobs (October through January).
During winter months it is possible to pick up short term work pruning trees or clearing out barns so it’s worth keeping an eye out during these months too.
Do farmers offer internships or work experience placements as part of their recruitment process?
In many cases, you’ll find that employers offering internships or work experience opportunities as part of their recruitment process.
These help students gain a valuable insight into working life and can often lead to permanent roles afterwards.
It’s worth keeping an eye out for these opportunities, particularly if you have a particular employer in mind; they might not advertise all positions publicly and may actively recruit individuals through similar channels.
Some farmers do offer internships or placements but it isn’t something that you will necessarily find advertised across their website.
If you are interested in finding one, contacting them directly is often your best bet – search online for contact details or look up related organizations (such as agricultural colleges) who might be able to put you on the right track. Key Tips for Applying to Agriculture Jobs in the UK
When applying for agriculture jobs, there are a few key things you should bear in mind. You don’t need specific qualifications or previous experience – sometimes even degree-level applicants struggle to get shortlisted!
However, most vacancies state that you must have at least GCSE level English language skills and mathematics, as well as relevant vocational training such as National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs).
Depending on what type of job you apply for, relevant vocational training may also include HND/HNC/BA(Hons)/MSc courses in animal management/husbandry or farm machinery maintenance/repair.